Miracle toner 30 days AHA, BHA,

13,000 FCFA Click here to negotiate
Availability: In Stock
Tag: lotion Description An innovation in skin care Are you looking for a unique and effective product to take care of your sensitive or acne-prone skin? Look...


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Tag: lotion
An innovation in skin care
Are you looking for a unique and effective product to take care of your sensitive or acne-prone skin? Look no further for AHA BHA PHA 30 Day Miracle Toner, a true revolution in skin care. Available at an incredible price, this exceptional tonic promises miraculous effects in just 30 days.

The perfect combination of natural and active ingredients
This toner is infused with a combination of ingredients that work together to exfoliate, purify and hydrate your skin. Among the main ingredients of this innovative formula, we find:

AHA (Alpha Hydroxyl Acid): eliminates dead cells and impurities on the surface of the skin.
BHA (Beta Hydroxy Acid): eliminates impurities and excess sebum inside the pores.
PHA (Polyhydroxy Acid): prevents loss of skin hydration.
Tea Tree Extract: fights acne and soothes the skin.
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Miracle toner 30 days AHA, BHA,

13,000 FCFA   Negotiable

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